Occupational Structure In Haryana

Concept Explanation

Occupational Structure in Haryana

As per census 2011, the average work force in Haryana is 35.17%. The participation rate is 36.36% in rural areas and 32.95% in urban areas. According to census 201, only 35.17% of the total population of Haryana is in working group. The remaining (64.83% population belongs to the dependent group. The participation of males in the total work force of the state is 76.34% and that of females is 2366%

  • According to census 2011, 67.33% people of the total working group of Haryana live in rural areas and 32.67% people live in urban areas. Around 76.68% of the total working population of the state workers and the remaining 21.32% people are under marginal workers.
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